Let me just say, I'm fascinated by the "freshman 15." FASCINATED BY IT.
Why, why, WHY, does everyone gain weight in college? WHY?! And I mean everyone. Even the skinniest of bi#$@es can't avoid it. Even I can't avoid it, speaking experientially.
Is it because of the drinking?
Is it because of the stress of classes and extracurriculars?
Is it because we're suddenly surrounded by people with different eating habits?
Is it because our schedules are unpredictable, so we just eat all day instead of having actual meals?
Is it because there are no "family dinners," which have been proven to aid in weight loss and healthy eating habits?
Is it because we're suddenly on our own and don't know how to cook and what to eat?
Is it because the only way colleges can get students to attend events is if there's "free food!"?
Is it a lack of education?
Is it a lack of motivation?
Is it a lack of money?